Climathon Darmstadt
Participants of the hackathon are united by the believe that they can act on climate change.

Climathon is coming to Darmstadt!
Let's tackle the local climate challenges that our community is facing – join the Climathon in Darmstadt! (hybrid event).
Climathon is a global movement that organises locally; a city-based programme that offers a clear pathway to climate action. At the core of the Climathon programme is a yearly ideathon that takes place in your city and in hundreds of other cities across many continents and time-zones.
You are...
- interested and motivated to work against climate change
- an experienced researcher, decision maker, craftsman, technician or a student (Bachelor/Master) with a background in STEM, live sciences or economics
- able to work remotely in a team, if necessary (all you need is a computer and access to the internet, we will provide you with access to Microsoft Teams)
- having fun digging into problems and finding new solutions
- a team player with a flavor of entrepreneurial spirit
- ideally, located in Darmstadt or the Rhine-Main-Region
- 18 years old or above
Then take part and join a global community of thousands who want to act now, and rethink the cities we live in and the future we want as citizens!
Registration will be opening soon. Click here for more information.
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